Bud and Mae Nyblad Shaw. March 7, 1989.
Bud and Mae Shaw. 7, March 1989
Bud and Mae have always heard talk that there was a sawmill on Dutchman Lake.
When Bud and Mae’s house that Dave Shaw lives in was built it was built with supplies left from the mill. Lumber six or eight inches square were piled up and the on each side 1 inch board was nailed and that was a house. The walls are solid wood. Herm Nelson had told Bud this years ago.
The place was called Bruggink’s in Mae’s Day.
Ruth Carlson married a Johnson late in life. She lived where Charley Briggs did later. She was not married long and he died. She died in the 1950’s or 1960’s. She went to the outhouse and got disoriented and froze to death.
1937 Photo school photo.
Left to right: (3.) Bob Freeland. (4.) Ardis Emmorey. Otis or Bill Emmorey, brothers. Oris was Ardis’s dad. Arlene Gorby on the left and one of the Langs’s. Edna Finley. Goldie and Dea Harrison. Martha Mattson. Hildur and Lou Holmgren. Harley and Vera Hibbs. Lillian and Victor Freeland and Barth. Don Mattson. Don Emmorey with suspenders. Wayne Emmorey to the left. Frank Harrison. Charley Harritson. Rosie Ryan. Peg Saleske. ? if Lyle Gorby. ? if Mrs. Gorby.
Holmgren photo. Minnie is three to the left in the 2nd row with the bow on the right side of her head. Art Holmgren is in the lower row near the middle of the door. Front row three in from right in white dress. Left side of the photo in middle by rail question if it is a Holmgren. Middle of the door is Uncle Lou Holmgren. Nels Holmgren is two rows down from the back on the right side of the photo next to a girl with arm across her.
Ethel Kuhn. Mae had as a teacher all 8 years she was at Clark School.
Dewey has done research on a Civil War Veteran buried near Shaw’s farm. His name is Bell. He is buried at the next place north of Shaws. He and his son are buried there.
Dorothy Holmgren photo with old car. Kathryn Nyblad right on hood. Freda Wilson Post on left. #2. I on right is Arnold Stream beside the car.
Lucille Stream on right beside the car.
There was a midwife lived north of Clark School. She lived back where the trees are. We called her Wooster. She may have been a sister to Mrs. E. A. Holmgren.
Lorna Gentz lives on the corner but is in Grand Rapids. She is taking care of her mother.
Walt Dahl found a lot of arrowheads on the hill on his farm.
Mrs. E.A. Holmgren’s mother was a midwife up near Fremont.